Wednesday, April 4, 2018

C for Choices
I got my labs the weekend I was out of state for a wedding.  My numbers all look really good.  It made me think about personal choices.  I have been improving my eating slowly and sometimes too slowly, out of a desire to be more healthy and stay trim, but also because of all my stomach woes.  In my search to find answers about my stomach problems, I fluctuate between the hope that I can find medicine that helps and being able to find a lifestyle/eating formula that helps.  If medicine helps, then I don't have to be personally accountable and I don't have to feel like I have failed.  But, the longer I travel this journey, the more I am understanding that what I put into my body affects me, just like it affects anyone - our health.  But almost immediately I can feel horrible and be sick for hours or days.  So, I keep trying to tweak it.  My cholesterol, good and bad are good, my glucose is good.  My blood pressure good.  My vitamin D still on track going on 2nd year in a row.  My weight is good.  I am going to keep trying to put one foot in front of the other.  After all, isn't it better that I do have accountability and realize how I feel is in my own control and directly related to the choices I make?
Here are some of the changes I have made over the years to improve my health.  I exercise (walking and yoga).  I eat at home mostly.  I limit carbs and processed food.  Carbs i eat are potatoes, quinoa, rice and home made bread/biscuits.  I eat more vegetables, fruit and lean meat.  I have pork or beef maybe once a week.  I cut dairy 2 years ago.  I limit sugar, but when I have sugar I have a small amount of what i crave.  I eat my potatoes i love, but switch to sweet potatoes half the time.  I stopped drinking soda 2 years ago.  No artificial sweetener.  I have been doing intermittent fasting since Nov and feel it is working for me - i skip breakfast.  For the past year or so, I have been eating very small evening meal - sometimes broth (google bone broth) or smoothie only.  In my smoothies I put bunch of spinach, ground flaxseed/chia seed, vegan protein and fruit.  I blend with almond or coconut milk.  Only caffeine is 2 cups of coffee in the morning.  i put a mix of nutrients in it that include cacao, lacuna, collagen, maca and coconut sugar - along with spices like nutmeg, cinnamon and cardamom.  I enjoy it so much, it has helped me cut back to almost no more artificial powder creamer (i know, i know).  Every day i have 1 green tea and take vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements and after much research and trial and error, have found a combination that helps me feel my best (including vit C, vit D, B chewables, probiotic, digestive enzymes, fish oil, calcium, zinc, magnesium and special eye supplement).  On Friday and Saturday I pretty much eat what I want.  The rest of the week is pretty regimented. 
What are you doing to be healthy?

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