Monday, August 13, 2018

Kitchen Floors Are Finally Finished!

So happy with how they turned out.  We really like them.  I painted the kickplates white and the installer trimmed out with quarter round.  You can see from before that the kickplates used to be dark wood color (they are made from the same wood that was laid as flooring).  Since we put down the new vinyl plank and they required trim now, we decided to paint them white like cabinets and trim with white quarter round. 

I think it brightens the kitchen and will be easier to keep clean. 

In 2 weeks we will get our lighting done and I will post more photos....including before and after.
Have a nice Monday!


  1. It is a very pretty kitchen. I have yellow painted kitchen floors, so I like light and

    1. Actually, the original wooden floor was painted a lemon yellow. Then, I used a sponge to sponge white onto the floor.

  2. Definitely bright and happy looking. Well done.

  3. Thank you! Obviously we prefer the original hard wood, but they were ruined. Sad face.
