Friday, August 31, 2018

Another Story from the Vault

This story is similar to my story yesterday, in that it involved an interaction on the highway with a complete stranger.  The differences might be very different, or they might not be that different.  It is weird...

So a few years later, things are very different for my life.  I lived in a different state and I was a bit older, maybe a year, maybe 2 years.  But I was driving from my state (I lived in a dry county) to the neighboring state to buy alcohol.  I was driving my black Camaro.  It was warm, but not hot and it was the weekend, probably Saturday and probably morning-ish. 

I had driven to Missouri to buy alcohol for a quiet evening with some friends.  I was now a widow, but seeing someone else.  I was young still, 28 or so.  After my late husband, SCG, passed away I wasted no time.  I wanted to quiet the quiet, sad loneliness.  So, I started dating within a year (big mistake) with someone I knew from a prior life (bigger mistake?).  I only explain this, because it makes a little sense understanding my thought process - well, I KNEW him.

Anyway, I was driving by myself.  I know this time I had the windows open because my car was black, it was sunny and even in the spring this car was hot!  Because I had no air conditioning in it and because when you drove anywhere, it would heat up and make the entire car hot!  Haha, the fun things we do when we are young.  But it was a Camaro!  Score!  Goodbye new import 4 cylinder with working AC and sunroof and automatic transmission.

OK, back to my I had been to the store about 15-20 min from my house and was on my way back.  Well, I notice a motorcycle.  I don't know if I came up behind him, or vice versa.  The motorcycle and I each see one another because one passes the other (I don't remember as clearly as the Alabama car/car story).  A LOT had happened in that year/year and a half.  So, the motorcycle rider is a male.  I don't remember if he wore a helmet, etc.  I also had a motorcycle then, but I was just learning and I had never ridden it on the highway.  So, I noticed motorcycles...and cars.  I was raised a tom-boy - more on that some day.

Anyway, the motorcycle rider is in front of me in the same lane.  We are on a 2 lane road, the main highway south from Missouri into Arkansas (540?).  He slows down, way down.  I move to the left lane and go around without fanfare.  He passed me again.  He gets over into the right lane in front of me again.  He slows down again. 

This goes on.  It turned from being amusing.  To being weird.  I was not in fear, but I was confused and not sure what do to.  He goes by one last time and I will never forget this - he hits the hood of my car with his hand!  Not hard, just smacks it.  While he is smiling and looking at me.  Well, that was really too much for me.  I just wanted to get home now.

So, I recalled the guy in the car in Alabama...and decided just what to do...

At the next exit, which would have been an exit to Rogers.  I let the guy get in front of me and I watch the timing with the exit...I pause...I slow...and just as he gets to the point where he could not take the exit, I go right quickly!  And I get the end of the off ramp, looking to see if I can see him up ahead and do not, and I turn left.  Just for good measure, I take a circuitous route home. 

I was not threatened or shook up.  Just weirded out.  And this was easily 25 years ago.  Today I would probably freak out.  I also just gave up my age.  Oh well.  I like the saying about having a past that is not so boring that you have some stories in your old age.  And I am quickly on my way to old age!


  1. That could have been scary. My sister played highway tag and learned much later the guy she got a good look at was a serial killer.

  2. Whoa. At least the web and the related technology has brought some light to such crimes. And women today are standing up and speaking out.
