Monday, October 22, 2018

Minimal Monday

It was so good to sleep in my own bed last night!  Slept in till 8:00 and then watched the pup do her business, so decided I would walk her later, so I could lounge around and work on my website favorites (saving them all at work so I had to move them to my home computer).  I also paid a bill.

We officially have used up all our money until we get a check (not yet dipped into savings yet).  We have no idea when we will get paid - thank you fed government.

Today, we are taking our new Suzuki 200 to get a new tire.  Yes, we just bought it a week ago and it already has a flat.  I also want some straw for my raised garden beds.

I came home yesterday afternoon, walked the pup and then made us a dinner of roasted veggies and a casserole (cheese substitute please!).  We enjoyed eating it together at our kitchen nook table.  I nice new habit for us - as in the city we almost always ate at raised coffee table we used to have front of TV.  HAHA

I forgot to mention that we successfully strung a cable to our kitchen TV, so at least we can watch the few antenna channels we get while I am cooking.  I loved it the other day when I baked cookies for 4 hours (the cut out sugar cookies take forever!).  And we bought and figured out a Roku in the livning room, where DH enjoyed couple of movies while I was gone overnight.

You have a great Monday!


  1. We still have cable but we also use a Netflix and Amazon a lot. I am technically challenged and my husband more so, otherwise I think we would be at the point where we could cut cable. Sounds like you are enjoying your retirement!!!

  2. We were at $210 cell phone and $160 cable. We switch providers to be at $160 and $45 (we will add Netflix, what $10/month?), respectively.

  3. I meant to type $120 and $45 (plus Netflix)
