Saturday, September 29, 2018

Cable Television

Today, slept in.  Leisurely coffee.  DH new paper was in the driveway.  I got a call confirming the 1pm to 3pm cable appt.  We ran and got small TV for the kitchen.   It was great.

Then, reality.  The cable installer was 3rd party.  He had different order than I had taken an hour or so to set up 2 weeks ago.  We called the company.   They said "that price is not available ". The 3rd party installer had no authority.

We told him nevermind.

I will either take the TV back, or set it up with an antenna so I can watch news and public tv.  Lots of scripted and cooking shows on public tv.

We are going to talk to the provider in person Monday.  And if we make no progress on price,  we will either have just one tv on cable or just do internet.

I am more angry at myself for falling for the gimmick.   I think the bait and switch is part of the cable carriers ' business plan.

I love to read and I love music. 

I am leaning toward just internet


  1. That is a rotten deal for you. I have a figure 8 antenna that cost me $100. I don't get everything I want and like, but I get enough considering now it costs me $0 each month. I think I have had it about 5 years. It is only about 10 feet above the ground. Putting it higher might get more stations. But, I am okay with that.

    1. I was unknowingly removed from a cell phone deal that since had been discontinued. I demanded they give me back the same deal since no one asked me. They said they were not pushing people off the plan, just not signing up anyone new. I was not new. They did give me back my original plan. You just have to be tough, relentless, and determined.

  2. This is very true. Relentless, vigilant and get tough. I hate it.
