Wednesday, September 26, 2018

10 Things I Have Learned from Staying 3 Months in an Extended Stay Hotel

1.  Not having a house to take care of leads to less stress.  We were high on the relief of selling our city house and I thought that relief would carry us farther.  It lasted less than a week, adjusting to reality of the challenges of the hotel.  But over all, that relief has been profound after having 2 houses to take care of for 4 years.

2.  I need much less stuff than I thought I needed to make me happy.  I have about 2 feet of hanging clothes this whole time and 2 jackets.  About 6 pair of shoes.  1 pot, 1 pan.  Full size fridge.  This has worked fine, esp for mostly summer weather. 

3.  Less space means less choices, forcing me to be creative about privacy and relaxation.  I have been exercising most of my life, lately, it truly is an escape for me.  From the tiny room.  When I need a break from my spouse, I either go somewhere alone and exercise or grocery shop. Spend time with friends and family more.  I have even become very adaptive, in that I put headphones in and listen to an audio book or relaxation music  with my eye pillow blocking out light.  I turn away from said spouse if I am in a huff.  This helps me too when it is noisy and I have trouble getting back to sleep in the middle of the night.

4.  Less space is easier to keep clean and frees me up to do other things. No further explaining needed here!

5.  It takes me at least 3 months to adjust to my surroundings.  Now that many of the things that were driving me nuts before, I am getting used to.  However, new pet peeves abound.  Still cannot wait to get out of here.  But, I am proud of my ability to adapt.

6.  I have more confidence in my ability to deal with an environment I do not like.  I have joked that if DH and I can get through this, we can get through anything.  I really was joking.  However, the adjustment to retirement - at least the big immediate leap, seems like a dream now.  We will obviously have much adjusting to do, long term.  But, we are going to be elated for a couple of months, I think!

7.  I have less affection for fellow man and simultaneously look forward to having more solitude.  This is huge.  I have never really been introverted, but I am now!

8.  I have gratitude for the comfort of my retirement home.  I loved our RH the minute we walked in.  Now, it will seem like pure heaven.  I will do a post soon about the things I will never miss about the extended stay!  Haha. 

9.  I am forced to plan more and be more creative for meals.  I do not need nearly so much groceries or kitchen equipment. I took a bunch of photos.  I will have to organize and post these!  When faced with the prospect of 4 small cabinets above and 2 large ones below, along with the task of carrying all the bags from car to elevator - while using a card key for 2 buy way less!

10.  It is easier to get ready since I have much less clothes, shoes and jewelry. I have been mostly just taking home dirty clothes to wash and not bringing much back.  It will not be to difficult to fit what is left in my much smaller closet in retirement home.  But, I still have too much and not enough order there.  So, this has been helpful.  I will truly only keep what is comfortable and functional and makes me feel good about wearing it.  I also plan to shift to mindset that everything I have is every day wear (except for some dressy stuff for special occasions, weddings, funerals, church - if I need to work, etc).  I will never truly be a capsule wardrobe kind of gal - but I have REALLY cut down.  That is a work in progress.  The biggest change of all - I don't care about clothes shopping at all.  I will have to watch my online shopping.  Welcome to the 21st Century, huh?  Don't a lot of us!

2 more nights.  Have a great hump day!


  1. #7 probably happened because of the people banging on your ceiling and all the nutty people you came in contact with while there. You probably developed a great need for solitude, therefore you crave solitude in a place where you cannot obtain solitude.

    1. Even larger picture here. I just cannot believe how gross and self centered people are...noisy, people do not hold the elevator, or hold it on their floor, people steel the luggage caddy when you are using it, then don't put it away, people do not hold doors, when you hold door they don't even put their hand out to grab it, people walk around with headphones on, people don't say hello, people don't pick up their dogs poo, trash, smelly smells, fire alarms going off, people yelling at other people in front of their small children, trash I have seen in the parking lot (I could do an entire post on that), I am just done.

  2. Admire how you have found positives out of a stressful situation. Simplifying your life could be a good thing and may carry over.

    1. It sure should. I sure can complicate stuff with my magic magnifying mind. Though. Thanks for visiting.
