Friday, June 8, 2018

Glad this Week is Over

I hate hearing myself wish my time away.  I will have to work on that.  Anyway, got through the busy week.  Today is Friday.  Last night I did some freelance work and made $100 in an hour.  Had a GREAT time with friends having coffee last night.  Today I got paid and finally got my semi annual bonus about a month late.  But, that is about $300 extra I can throw toward paying off my NYC trip.  DH loaded the suburban up Wed night while I was walking (it was 91 degrees!).  I was glad, but sort of upset he did it all alone and after having hand surgery only 9 days ago.  I work till 11 most Fridays, and after work we will load up my little truck also and head to RH.  Last few loads, we are taking 2 vehicles just to be sure we can get it all.  After this last load we are pretty confident in our ability to get the remainder pretty easily.  Mostly just misc stuff for his shop, and a box for this room and that - so should not be too hard to put away tonight.  Tomorrow I am taking the morning off and having lunch/movie with my sister who lives an hour away - we meet in the middle.  Then tomorrow afternoon we are moving a large iron trellis my FIL made from a livestock panel.  They had ivy growing on it to block a hot western wall of their house, but they have since had trees grow up tall to take over the shade job and want to remove some of their more labor intensive garden features.  I want to use it to block a western side of our shop that gets constant sun with vining fruits and veggies, but DH thinks he wants a permanent feature like ivy.  I have never grown ivy, but we have such a mass of vines between our grapes and wisteria that I don't want another thing that I have to trim a lot.  I would rather grow food then just tear it all back in the winter and start over.  Guess we have all winter to decide what we will grow.  Have a great weekend!


  1. Dear Nawm, you keeps so busy that reading your posting made me tired! I can't imagine doing all that you do. Take care and enjoy the weekend. Peace.

    1. I am doing that last ditch sprint to get to finish line, but I can see it!

  2. You seem to have it all under control but I do know moving can be stressful. Mike and I will be doing the same thing come the fall and I'm not looking forward to it. Taking time to just relax with your sister will be good for your soul so enjoy it and have a great day.

    1. We have been purging a couple years, and could have done more! It is taking DH a little longer to part with stuff. We know we will purge more once we are actually full time here with all our stuff together in one place. I will root you on in the fall!
