Thursday, January 31, 2019

Latest Development

The gal I feel disconnected with, DW.  Well last night her husband's uncle passed away.   So she has to stay and go to funeral.

So that's much better for me.  I am going to go ahead and go.  I pray that it either comes up and I can clarify and discuss.  Or we don't talk about it and I can just avoid in the future.

I am not going to discuss DW with her BFF BB.  I just look forward to having this issue out of the way.   I fear it would be much more confrontational and dramatic if I back out now day before.

I have my own worries right now that need my attention.  I will write about them in upcoming weeks.

if you pray please pray we can all act out of love and growth not defensiveness.


  1. Well, I am glad you can go and enjoy it. If you know in your heart, that your friend and her husband are good - continue to just be their friends. Humans are very judgemental, even when they say they are practicing the utmost faith.

    1. 20 years ago me would have blown up the bridge, now I choose to just walk across the bridge and look at the view from a different perspective.

    2. It's jj - but good on you!! I've definitely seem myself grow in that area too. But life is too short to even invest emotionally in people who aren't nice in general.

  2. Thanks so much for your visit and comment. Please come often.
    Hopefully, your problems with these people can be healed...

  3. I could have gone or I could have stayed home, no right or wrong answer. But I am glad I went. I got much inspiration. The solution will unfold before me.
