Sunday, October 14, 2018

Cutting the Cord

Today we installed a wall mount TV in our kitchen with a little interior antenna.  Well the TV looks great and we can use the smart streaming capabilities to watch shows or movies through apps such as Amazon or Netflix.   We watched an NBC show pilot directly thru NBC!

But the antenna is barely getting ANY signals!  So frustratimg. We are thinking of getting Roku to use on our older living room TV...guess its it's worth a little more trying before qe give up.  It's hard but things worth having sometimes are.  Dont want to follow the mindless sheep of cable...paying so much money...dont want to make adjustments either I guess we can't have everything.

What do you out there do?

Got 5 pair of boots listed for my girlfriend.  I also sold DH motorcycle jacket for $80!  Last night had DH family over and we had delicious tacos/nachos/taco salad.  I had bunch of beans I cooked up all night and made my own refried beans.  I had no idea how easy!

See ya Monday!


  1. I use a Clearstream Figure 8 antenna. I checked just now, and they have a double figure 8 in Clearstream, too. It is all I have and am getting enough to make me happy. Tommy is not good at things like installing antennas, and he is physically severely limited. It is only 10 feet off the ground, and we put the antenna cord that goes to the TV through the gap in the window where ac is installed. I suppose I have had it five years. No other antenna in same price range worked. I get about 40 stations. I do not want the Spanish or religious stations, so that leaves about 30. I can get news from 50 miles to north and to the west. Maybe you would like Clearstream.

    1. I meant to say that it gets stations to the north and to the south, opposite directions, something it is not advertised to do. It is sort of pointed in the proper direction to south, but it has shifted. Even the time it fell down, it still got

  2. I will look into that! We bought a $150 from Lowes, it got about 20 channels initially, but only getting 10 now, barely. And it's up in the attic! I am thinking we need to get one outside.

    1. I had to buy a cable to connect antenna to tv. Don't forget that.

  3. I made refried beans after I saw the ingredients on the can. A very little olive oil, mashed beans, salt, pepper, and garlic made a spread that friend thought contained meat. I spread it on thin, round bread thins, put bits of vegetables on it, folded it over, and he carried it for snack between classes. The refried beans held the bits of vegetables on while he ate walking between university classes. He had a long walk, so he had no time to sit and eat or even line up at a vending machine.

  4. We got rid of cable over a year ago. It was hard for hubby at first because he does not do well with anything electronic. He's got the hang of it now and just loves it. We went with an android box and we watch the news on our computers. Has for his hockey games, I stream live from the internet. I have to say we have saved a bundle of money and I don't use an antenna at all.

  5. So far, no caving by DH which surprises me. We are going to see what Roku does, if we can stream local news we can stay the course, I think.
