Saturday, November 9, 2019


I told my DH upon retirement 2.0 that I was going to work out a schedule so that I plan for chores and household tasks, time with my DH and our dogs/hobbies, relaxation and sleep equally.

So far, this us working well.  I get up and ho to the gymn 3 or 4 times a week, then I do shopping or house cleaning,  then afternoons we read, fix dinner, watch TV, etc.  We both agree that we want to enjoyvoyr weekends as always.   I might walk outside with the dogs versus the gymn...if I want to wear pjs all day and watch TV or read, I will.

Today I listened to my audio book while working outside.   Sometimes I listen to podcasts. I need to structure in more time for blogging - a nice dilemma.
Today I ran errands,  then worked in the yard...taking, cutting down tomatoe plants, my peonies,  etc.  Mulched our raised beds.  Was pretty and sunny today.

I am grateful for my yard today.   I took a break from working on my last 10-12 feet of fence row, it feels like I strained some muscles pulling Friday.

Hope to do little more yard work tomorrow before it gets yucky and cold.

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