Friday, April 13, 2018

Let Go
The other day on FB I saw a meme that said when we let go of all the things that are holding us back and making us sad, resentful, stuck in the past, anxious...we make room for more positive things.  This is a more abstract, psychological aspect of rightsizing, but just as important as physical right sizing. 
Went to hot yoga last night and tried this.  There are a couple of posses that just elude me.  Yoga poses can be like a golf swing, or learing to ride a motorcycle...there are numerous different stages that you have to remember to do all either simultaneously or as part of a sequence.  It is hard to remember all the things sometimes and you see the results accordingly.  Last night I was trying to get my folded leg around my standing leg as eagle pose and the instructor says "core, core, core" - like a lightbulb!  I did it!  Then I even did the other side.  He usu has to come over and move my foot around my standing leg.  When I start to learn something new, I can feel overwhelmed.  What I need to remember, is that eventually certain practices (motorcycle skill, golf, yoga, letting go and praying)...these all can develop into habits that become easier and eventually 2nd nature.
Have a wonderful Friday and I hope you can let something go that is not working for you and make room for something better.

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