Sunday, February 18, 2018

What Day is it?

Feels like Sat or Mon, but not Sunday.  Have another day off tomorrow, then holiday desert till May!  Our lives could be very diff by May...IF we sell City House.
Got bookcases unloaded, all books stacked in hall closet and larger guest room.  But they are ALL MOVED! Woopie!  We measured and literally are an inch off from putting all 4 white bookcases along one wall of dining room.  So...we are gonna see if removing chair railing moulding will work.  So, in 2 weeks we come back with 2 last solid wood bookcases and I can put all the books away!
Beautiful weather this long weekend.  We are switching DH phone over today...we will save $87/month.  We have long talks with inlaws (retired many years) and SIL/husband who are on similar track and timeline as us.  When not discussing heavy topic, we played a fun board game last night.  God is good!  My SIL husband got a new job.  Was at his last employer 20 years.  He taking less pay, but home more.  We are so relieved for him. 
Oh, and I transformed smaller guest room closet to an office.  I will learn how to add photos one day.  The small guest room has sleeper sofa so i can watch tv or sew or do crafts.  The office/closet is for household business/bills/records, memory boxes/photos and gift wrap.  One must be creative when rightsizing!  Have a wonderful long weekend, enjoy last week of the Olympics!


  1. As I read, I was thinking "remove molding." If you remove it nicely, you can save it to put back if you ever need to do so. That is great they all will fit. (Probably) I have three identical wooden bookcases in different rooms. If I ever move, I hope all three will fit on one wall. And, I have two identical bookcases that I hope will fit together as well.

    1. We are hoping to carefully pry off the chair rail moulding and store it away in case we or next owner ever want to put it back. I sure will be nervous about getting it off!
