Friday, February 8, 2019

HBO Trial

Yesterday DH drove to the city for doctor appt.  He still has not found a dr down here.  He has gone to the same doctor for 28 years.  He agrees, if he has to see a specialist, he will find someone down here.  I went ahead and got an appointment with a doctor down here, he is ok.  Not as good as my former dr in the city.  But I am going to make a few of the changes he recommended and see how I do.  Since losing 20 pounds, DH blood numbers looking great!

Tues my sister and I drove to the city to talk with my DGM about her birthday coming up.  The weather has been cold and wintery this year.  But really cold and snowy/icy in the city where we moved from end of Sept.  We picked the perfect winter to move away!  On Tuesday it was supposed to be dry and clear, it drizzled the entire day.  We went from 50's early morning to 25 in the city.  Car was caked with ice.  Driving home was fine, but I sure was NOT  what i was expecting.  in 200 miles we went from 25 to 53 degrees!

We thought we had talked DGM into celebrating her birthday with cake.  We tried to explain to her that while we respect her birthday is about her wishes, celebrating 100 year birthday needs to be shared.  She is more than happy for us to come back up for the day, but she does not want to open it up for more people.  She is feeling pretty good, couple minor aggravating health issues, nothing serious.  She did discuss reminiscing some, and told sister and I she was praying about us having contact with our half brother.  Sister and I got home and reached out to our half brother that we have not seen since our fathers funeral 5 years prior.  HB told me he would call DGM, but getting away was too hard because he "has a dog".

While DH gone Thursday, I binge watched couple of TV shows.  I went ahead and signed up for free 7 days HBO.  Later in the eveining last night I started feeling like a sore throat.  It is worse this morning, so I will enjoy the 2 diff soups I made and take it easy today too.
Hope you all are warm and cozy where you are.


  1. We had HBO years ago and found that at first it was great then after a while they started showing the same things over and over again. Like I said that was years ago though.
    We don't even have tv anymore.

  2. I figure I will barley watch when the weather gets nice.
