Thursday, August 15, 2024


Eye condition posterior vitreous detachment has now completed (tuesday) the pulling from the retina of my left eye.  My right eye was march 2023. Both eyes resulted in retinal tears which is unusual.  Both eyes have now been laser (spot welded) so the tears will not develop into detached retinas.

Basically, this timing is good, because the danger of detached retinas happening was at its highest while the pulling was going on and before the laser procedures.  

So, now my risk for detached retina is low unless I require vitrectomy in either eye.  That could be needed due to my floaters getting worse or if my other condition macular pucker worsens.   I also have that degenerate condition in both eyes.  

I have seen two retinal specialists who tell me my eyes may stay the same and never get worse...I am going to stay in that positive mind set and not worry because they tell me there is really nothing I can do.


  1. I have macular pucker in left eye that is pulling on the retina. You are the only other person I have ever heard having this issue. I am glad to know that you have this resolved. Do you know what causes this to happen?

  2. I know someone who had their retina detached, but I'm not sure what was done for it. I hope it can stay the same for you and no more issues.
