Friday, June 22, 2018

Friday Finally

To stop and smell the roses this week, I went to bed early every night (except last night), went to yoga twice and visited my DGM.  Yoga last night was just my friend T and I with our instructor.  He has been teaching us since 2012.  Last night he told us how well we  are doing.  I was shocked, he is not a talker  I replied that I felt and saw changes in myself that I know are from yoga and that is all I need.  It was good doing yoga twice this week, I want to walk 4 -5 times a week and do yoga 2-3 times when we retire.  I told DH that while I was on break yesterday I went through and did a draft of our new post retirement budget.  This week we both changed our addresses most places we could think off - banks, investment, professional licenses (4), utilities, work, insurance...I also put in the mail forwarding order for post office.  So, now all we have to do is turn in his paperwork, finish our 3 months work (pay off NYC trip off my credit card) and then next week our house will be paid off from the equity in our city house we are selling.  I have been really aware of getting rest and eating right, so physically I am doing well, but dang I am weary.  P.S.  I am well today, but yesterday i had a flare of epic proportions.  I had forgotten just how sick i can get, I had been feeling so well for so long.  Then BAM - out of nowhere...I know DH is tired and weary too.  But this weekend, we essentially unload the pantry/misc stuff (clocks, step ladder, other kitchen stuff) and plants go to MIL house and we are pretty much free to relax Saturday in our new space.  We will just have to try to ignore the ruined, partially torn up hardwood floor in the kitchen.  My pantry is in the utility room, so I can work in there and not worry about the torn up floor.  Oh, and I do have to move a shelf that is currently in utility room to garage so they can install flooring in there too.  But those two things are pretty minor compared to some of our recent work weekends of the past 3 years..  Sunday we will come back and clean where some furniture has been moved while we were gone and coordinate giving away few more things (another briefcase - this time to BIL, a sturdy for-sale sign for their yard, large TV, Armoire) and some stuff to purge (radio that does not work well, exercise ball that is going flat some more clothes and some old sheets) and then we just have to move stuff to extended stay hotel Tues and Wed night (and work a full week).  The buyer of our CH came over last night to measure a few places, she said she is really excited and we are excited for her to take it over and off our plates!


  1. It is so exciting to read about your plans starting to come together. You both must be very excited about your retirement!

  2. Very excited! We have been dreaming of this for about 8 years. I am young to retire, so we will see how that goes...I have some ideas for volunteer and part time. But I have worked since I was 12 years old, obviously part time back then. But most of my life I have had multiple jobs and I have never taken off more than 2 I am nervous too.
