I had a whirlwind trip to see my cousin in Southern OK. Left at 3pm Friday and got there 7:30pm. Just starting to get dark and a little cool. I drove our convertible and had such a nice drive to and from. Cousin and her husband have been very careful getting out too much and being in crowds since the Covid 19 virus, as have DH and myself. But we decided to go ahead with this little visit, because she and I both needed it. This time of year she usually comes to NW Arkansas and my aunts come south and we all do the War Eagle craft fair. This is the first year we have missed this women's weekend since 1995 when we started. So, cousin and I decided just she and I would visit...I just saw one aunt last weekend and saw my sister when we moved my Granny.
Friday night we caught up and had wonderful late salad meal and went to bed pretty early after I got the tour of her home she shares with her delightful husband B. They have a view of the south over the Red River, into North Texas that is about 15 miles. I should have photographed it. They also have 3 barn kitties, a big dog a little dog and 10 new chickens and a rooster. She and I both enjoy gardening and so i took her a kalanchoe and a mother of thousands plant (both succulents). Earlier this summer I mailed her a banana plant start off my plant my friend from Florida mailed me last year. In this year of Covid, i have mailed and received seeds/plants from a few friends - it makes me smile. I have also mailed a few care packages and that makes me smile too. Food, cards, candles, blankets, etc.
Sat morning cousin and I got up and went to the Dallas Arboretum to see all the pretty fall pumpkins and gourds and we had such a nice time. It was beautiful there!
Sat evening we went to Sam Moon and Bucees, because...well it is Texas! Sam Moon and Bucees were busy, but we felt comfortable wearing our masks like everyone else and keeping our distance. We got to go food from the Cheesecake Factory in Lakeview (?) which was crowded! That was the only time we sort of felt uncomfortable, but again, we just kept masks on and washed our hands frequently. We ate in her car!
Sunday morning we visited more (non stop gabbing for us, lol) and talked about books and podcasts we recommended to each other. I recommended the Bible Recap podcast to her and told her i recently had listened to Sally Field, Demi Moore and Jessica Simpson memoirs and she told me some of her book picks, including this Crazy Sexy Diet book and I ordered it on the spot from Ebay, along with one of her favorite books, Steering by Starlight, by Martha Beck. I was lucky to find these 2 books used for $3 and $4 dollars, buy 3 get shippin free on Ebay! I also got a couple more of my husband's fave authors (Nelson DeMille and Harlen Coben). I have many of our favorite authors in hardback displayed in our library/dining room and I have all the ones we have in a digital file so when i find used book deals shopping, i can look to see if we have the particular title. I use Inkpad app and i can share my notes among diff formats (laptop, cell phone) and i can share the notes with DH if he does the grocery shopping.
I am working this afternoon and enjoying my candle I got at Bucees. We both smelled about 40 and decided this one was our favorite. DH even likes it.
Do you have a favorite candle that you enjoy? This one smells sort of masculine, with hint of cinnamon maybe. I also liked My Dear Watson from Scentsy, but i am not sure if they still make it.
I like this mug my cousin had, trying to stay positive in this uncertain time of Covid and leading into an election...yuck I don't like discord and confrontation. I avoid political talk then feel guilty like i should get better at discussing and hearing diff views. Uggggh. Well, i did have a great discussion with cousin and her husband about politics, beliefs, even religion and spirituality. We can all discuss with respect - that is what is missing from social media today - the respect. Like the disrespect i felt from a former friend the last year and a half which made me ask for distance from her - she tells you her beliefs and how they differ from yours and makes you feel like you are wrong and i don't need it! Plenty of people in my life who make me feel inspired and energized, not defective and broken! Stay away from people like that!

Well, back on the healthy eating bandwagon. I splurged way too much the last 2 weeks, so i made some squash and zucchini soup and will have that tonight. Had a nice salad today for lunch. I walked yesterday (my zoom yoga cancelled yesterday, my yoga instructor is on a meditation training). I will walk another 4 today and tomorrow going on a challenging hike -5 miles, so that will be good for me. But, it is supposed to be 84 tomorrow! Whew.
What are you doing to enjoy the fall?
See you soon
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