Monday, April 20, 2020

Feel Like Posting Again

I don't really have anyone I can talk to about this.  So I will just form my thoughts into words and type them out and see if this helps.

Last year was not a great year.  This year has turned out to be even worse - for so many people!  Timing-wise this really could not have happened at a better time for me - I retired (sort) of last fall, after a short return/weird commute weekly 4 hours away.  Really a big reason I went back to work last summer (2019) is because I was having some issues at home that I feared for my security and independence.  So I went back to work and it was good for things.  Gave DH and I some room for perspective.  I stopped the commute October 2019 and had a really nice fall and winter.

Anyway, back to 2019.  My small hometown where I grew up - we have stayed close, some of us.  In late 2018 two of us diagnosed with stage 4 cancer - different kinds of cancer.  They eventually passed.  Well, while they were going through treatment, etc.  We all set up a group text.  It was really fun.  We did a lot of laughing, reminiscing and sharing inspiration.

Which leads us to now...The widower of our good female friend, he asked last night to be removed from the group text.  This happened last year too, one of the friends dying - the male friend, he also asked to be removed.  I did not ask either one why.  But it has caused me to ponder - the psychology of group texts.  Obviously I am not a psychologist - LOL.  But I sure wish a psychologist would write on this subject.

I will also add this - I too have wanted to be removed from this group text.  Why?  Well, it is sort of a weird awkward limbo - IF you don't have a purpose or if you have any type of conflict/discomfort with one of the participants.  And there is the obvious - how to you get out of it?  You can't without intentionally pointing it out.

More on this later.  I will think about this all day.  Maybe I will come up with something good.  LOL.

Speaking of limbo - I am in limbo.  Waiting for my government issued laptop.  Until then I am off the clock and guess I will do a short and sweet yoga and plan a nice walk for later.  Have a great Monday.  If you read this, thank you.  It helps just knowing you are out there.


  1. I'm sorry you were having a tough time after your retirement. Hope the new job goes well. Sure seems like a slow process getting going with it.

  2. That is our government at work. Unbelievable. We were supposed to start Wed the 8th! I am ok, not depending on the work. But I know some of us must be.
